Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Fast food increases the risk of infertility in women

A group of Australian and British scientists concluded that the love of fast food and the exclusion of fruits from the diet can lead to difficulties with conception in women of reproductive age. Their conclusions, published in the journal Human Reproduction , the researchers made on the basis of observation of more than five thousand women trying to become pregnant.

The couple is considered infertile if a woman's pregnancy does not occur within a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. The inability to conceive a child can be associated not only with absolute infertility, which is caused by incurable changes in the reproductive system. Among the factors that affect the fertility of the couple, alcohol abuse, smoking, drug use, and obesity - both in women and men - stand out.

Trying to have a child, couples are advised to adhere to a healthy lifestyle: eat right, give up bad habits, and increase physical activity. Nevertheless, until now no research has been done on the relationship between the eating habits of healthy fertile women and their ability to become pregnant.

The authors of the new work studied the results of interviews of 5 598 women from the UK, Australia and New Zealand aged from 18 to 43 years old, who were admitted to midwives in the early stages (14-16 weeks) of their first pregnancy. Patients talked about how long they tried to get pregnant, and about what was included in their diet a month before conception - some questions of the questionnaire concerned fruits, greens, fish and fast food. These data were compared with the period during which the couple tried to conceive a child.

Among all the respondents, about 8 percent of couples were infertile, but among those who rarely ate fruits, 12 percent of women could not conceive for a long time. Of those who ate fast food four times a week or more, 16 percent of women were infertile. On average, lover of burgers and pizza pregnant a month later than those who adhered to a healthy diet. Three to four servings of fruit a day, on the contrary, accelerated conception on average by two weeks. Strangely enough, the amount of greenery and fish in the diet did not affect the timing of pregnancy.

"The results of the study show that a healthy diet, including fruits and a minimum of fast food, has a positive effect on fertility and reduces the time that a woman needs to get pregnant," says lead author Claire Roberts.

How exactly fastfood "postpones" conception, scientists are not yet known. Authors of earlier studies suggested that fatty acids contained in vegetable and animal fats and oils could adversely affect egg cells. In addition, an abundance of sugar, salt and fat can affect metabolism.

In the new work, scientists note the importance of a balanced diet for women who are trying to become pregnant - even those who are not being treated for infertility. In the future, according to the authors, it is necessary to conduct research and taking into account other food groups.

The article is based on materials
