Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

In the US, developed a preparation for burning fat without diets

Researchers at the University of Texas have developed a new deblocking metabolism and a metabolism-accelerating drug that will help you lose weight without sitting down on diets. Protein NNMT, produced in large quantities by fat cells, begins to slow down the metabolism, preventing effective fat burning in cells. A new drug, created by American scientists, blocks the action of NNMT, speeding up metabolism and contributing to weight loss.

The drug has already been tested in mice, fattened after a long diet with a high fat content. Ten days after using the drug, the fat cells in the mice decreased by 30 percent, and the body weight decreased by seven percent. Cholesterol level in blood also decreased, returning to normal values. At the same time, mice continued to eat fatty foods, from which the mice from the second group, who were not given the drug, continued to gain weight.

It seems that the Texas researchers were able to bring to reality the dream of many people with excess weight. If the medicine passes the tests and gets to the pharmacies, it will be effective to lose weight without exhausting sports and dieting, - informs New Atlas.

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