Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

The 6 dirtiest things that you contact daily

One of the first rules taught to all children is how important it is to wash their hands. Hand washing helps prevent the spread of disease. Hands should be washed before meals, after talking with animals, after visiting the toilet. It is especially important to wash your hands often if you interact with newborns and potentially vulnerable older people. Unfortunately, not all of us understand the importance of washing hands, and in fact during the day we all innumerable times touch dirty things and objects. Today we will talk about the dirtiest of them. About those with whom we contact every day, but surprisingly, almost do not notice.

Kitchen sponge for washing dishes

It turns out that the thing that we usually wash dishes after eating, literally swarming with different bacteria. In fact, many microbiologists agree that the kitchen sponge can be the dirtiest thing in your home (it is much, much dirtier than even your toilet seat).

As a rule, sponges are warm, often wet and they remain particles of food - an ideal environment for bacteria. According to research, on more than 75 percent of kitchen sponges, it is possible to detect colico-like bacteria that are conventional markers of fecal contamination, as well as salmonella and E. coli.

In some countries, campylobacter bacteria, which are the causative agent of acute intestinal infection, are the most frequent cause of foodborne infections and as you might have guessed most often occur on kitchen sponges. Experts advise using food whiteners to clean sponges.

Kitchen towel

Now you know that kitchen sponges can be dangerous and you will probably wash your hands after washing dishes and touching them. But as soon as you decide to wipe the wet hands with a kitchen towel, the procedure for washing your hands will have to be repeated again, because the towels are no less dangerous than the same sponges. Like the latter, kitchen towels often remain moist and warm, and at the same time they can contain food particles. Do you understand what we're talking about? That's right - an ideal environment for bacteria!

According to one study, more than 25 percent of kitchen towels can be found with an E. coli, which places them in a row in danger with sponges. Experts advise to carefully wash the towels every two days.

Your bed

Learning that your kitchen and phone can be incredibly dirty, some of you may want to fall face down in the pillow and scream. Wait. Have you washed it for a long time? If not, then before you can immerse your face in it loudly and clearly say: "It's served!"

Your bed is also an ideal environment for the emergence and reproduction of bacteria. People often sweat, become wet. Body heat adds the desired effect, creating ideal conditions for the growth of various fungal and bacterial pathogens. Our skin will eventually peel off and its particles remain on everything we interact with, including on beds where, together with dust, they create a real buffet for various bacteria and other dust mites.

So not for long and become a germophobe. Wash your bed linen at least once a week, experts say.

Handles of grocery trolleys and baskets

Food carts are the ideal tool for transporting your products, children and ... E. coli.

It turns out that when people walk around the grocery store, with potentially unwashed hands, and grab a variety of food, including packaged meat and everything that comes to their eyes, then along with the product they like as a bonus, for which they usually have to pay their health, they can carry dangerous bacteria into their cart and back.

According to one small study, on more than half of grocery carts an E. coli has been found, which, according to the authors of the study, is the main source of outbreaks of food poisoning among children whose parents like to carry their children in such trolleys.

Door handles

We hope that now the topic becomes clearer for you. Those things that touch not only you, but also a lot of people before and after you, usually quickly become an ideal habitat for various bacteria, especially when these things are not cleaned regularly.

Door handles from this rule are no exception. Some researchers have discovered many potential pathogens of infectious diseases, quietly peacefully living on the door handles. In general, sooner or later you can get sick simply by touching one of them.

One of the microbiologists who conducted the study found that if you put a virus on the pen of the office, then it will take only about 4 hours to more than half of this office picked up, since during this time people probably touch not just one handle and the other subjects.

Toothbrush Holders

Your toothbrush is regularly in the mouth, and then placed back on the stand. At the same time, there is one problem and it is especially relevant in the case of a combined bathroom, that is, when the toilet is in the same room as the bath itself. In this case, millions of pathogens are rising into the air of the room, every time you press the flush, and yet do not disdain at this moment to shoot in the toilet with a specially designed brush.

The problem is that these brush stands are ideally suited as a place for the settling of all these bacteria. According to the research, bacteria of staphylococcus were detected on 14 percent of the examined toothbrush holders, mold was detected on 64 percent. Do not forget to wash these supports!

Potentially pathogenic bacteria can be found almost anywhere. This can certainly frighten. A lot of things that should also have been included in this list are not less disgusting - you just can not imagine how many bacteria are on the TV remote controls (and better and not necessary).

But the fact remains - not all of us are sick constantly. Even when in contact with pathogens, we do not necessarily get sick immediately. Most often it depends on which bacterium or virus we have come into contact with, and not whether the virus or bacterium has got into our body. In the end, after all, we have an immune system that is able not only to resist unpretentious parasites, but in some cases to cope with more serious problems.

There are many ways to reduce the risk of spreading diseases. Most often, various diseases are picked up in places of large concentrations of people. Therefore, if you are sick, it is better to stay at home and see a doctor, and not spread the disease at work or in an educational institution. Do not forget to clean the surfaces with which you often contact. Try to wash kitchen towels more often and thoroughly clean the kitchen sponges. They appear to represent the greatest danger in your home. And of course, do not forget to wash your hands.

The article is based on materials
