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The 22nd team of NASA astronauts for the future space missions was formed

The US space agency NASA announced the completion of the formation of the 22nd in the group consisting of 12 astronauts. Participants were recruited from different parts of the United States, which resulted in the team including a nuclear physicist, mechanic and aerospace engineer, a biologist who took part in research in Antarctica, a test pilot, a military medic, a military helicopter pilot, a researcher from the NASA JPL laboratory, an employee of SpaceX company and other important specialists. All these lucky ones will have to undergo a training course for astronauts, after which they will participate in future NASA space missions.

Potential astronauts were selected from 18,300 volunteers who applied for the contest. The requirements for the candidates were: a Bachelor's degree in STEM (stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), three or more years of work in their profession (or a thousand hours of flight on a jet), and compliance with medical standards for employment in NASA. Each candidate will undergo a two-year training course, including physical training, motion simulation in weightlessness (imitated in pools), training in spacecraft management, as well as numerous tests and tests obtained during training skills.

As we already noted above, this is the 22nd class in the class, recruited by the NASA agency since 1959. The first set included the famous Alan Shepard, who became the first American astronaut. The eighth set of 1978 included the first female astronaut, the first African American astronaut. Previous, the 21st set of 2013 included an equal number of women and men. From the members of the 22nd team in the future, astronauts will be selected to be sent to the ISS for manned flights to the Moon and, possibly, even to Mars.

The article is based on materials
