Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

The aircraft for launching carrier rockets from Stratolaunch Systems first left the hangar

Stratolaunch Systems began its work six years ago. Created by co-founder Microsoft Paul Allen, the company has taken the course to develop a huge aircraft designed to launch space rockets. Today, Allen posted a photo of himself on his twitter, which was first rolled out of the hangar to test the fuel system.

. @Stratolaunch came out of the hangar for fuel testing. More pictures soon!

- Paul Allen (@PaulGAllen) May 31, 2017

The wingspan of the Stratolaunch Systems aircraft is 117 meters, which is almost 30 meters more than the Mriya plane - now it is the largest in the world. The length of the American aircraft is 92 meters, and it weighs 250 tons, but at maximum load it will weigh almost 600 tons. The aircraft is equipped with a 28-wheel chassis that can withstand such loads, so it can simultaneously carry up to three Orbital ATK Pegasus XL missiles and take it to orbit from a height of about nine thousand meters.

The general director of the company Jean Floyd noted that the creation of the aircraft is at the initial stage, therefore it is too early to speak about flight tests.

The article is based on materials
