Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Bacteria have been developed to hunt for antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.

Выведены бактерии для охоты на устойчивые к антибиотикам микроорганизмы

The development of measures to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains can rightly be called one of the priorities of modern pharmacology. Many bacteria adapt to drugs that have been spent on development for several years, in a matter of months. And while the struggle is not in our favor, humanity still has a chance to defeat microorganisms by playing “in their own field” and using special bacteria-killers for this.

The first such bacteria were discovered in the 60s of the last century, and many of them live inside our body. On the basis of such microbes, a group of scientists under the leadership of Robert Mitchell has developed a special strain of bacteria BALOS, which are able to find and destroy pathogens, even if the latter are extremely resistant to any effects, including antibiotics. Scientists themselves call their strain also “vampire bacteria”, as they “suck out” the inner contents of the disease-causing single-celled.

Выведены бактерии для охоты на устойчивые к антибиотикам микроорганизмы

The picture captures the "murder". BALOS destroys the pneumonia bacterium

At the moment, experts can not "program" BALOS to destroy any pathogens, which is a significant disadvantage. Now “killer bacteria” do well only with pneumonia. But, as Dr. Mitchell himself claims,

“These bacteria are able to penetrate the double cell membranes of pathogenic bacteria and“ consume ”their insides. After consuming such a “delicious food,” these bacteria get enough energy to produce offspring. Each of the predators can produce from two to seven descendants, “eating” only one bacterium in food ”.

A group of scientists still has many problems to overcome before introducing their method into the widespread practice. In addition to the task of “teaching” bacteria to destroy other types of microbes, the long-term effect of such therapy remains unclear. And although now BALOS does not “revolt” against the host organism and is quietly derived from it, there are no guarantees that during the course of evolution a new species cannot emerge that will already feed on human cells.

The article is based on materials
