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Doctors have learned to block sexual transmission of HIV

Molecular biologists from Spain have created a new antiretroviral drug that allows not only to block HIV reproduction in the human body quite effectively, but also almost completely eliminates the likelihood of being infected with the virus during sexual contact. About it reports RIA "Novosti" with reference to the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

Conventional antiretroviral drugs taken by men infected with HIV do not destroy the virus that continues to be present in the patient's gonads, so doctors always recommend using condoms when the partner of a person infected with HIV is not a carrier of this disease. The new drug, developed by the Spaniards, can eliminate this need.

HIV remains in small amounts in those organs that the immune cells do not penetrate, for example, in the sex glands, therefore, carriers of the virus continue to infect other people even after prolonged use of drugs. A new drug allows you to quickly reduce to almost zero the concentration of the virus in semen after a month of treatment.

The researchers note that only one of the fifteen patients six months after the start of therapy still had no positive results. But even after a year, the situation improved - the tests showed a significant decrease in the concentration of HIV in semen.

Now patients with HIV live a full life, but regularly undergo combination antiretroviral therapy, during which they take a combination of several drugs that suppress the development of the virus at different stages, but such treatment does not lead to complete recovery, only blocks the virus, which temporarily extinguishes. If you stop taking the medication, the virus is activated again.

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