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Russian engineers began developing a prototype space microrobot


The press service of the Russian Space Systems holding, which is part of the Roscosmos state corporation, announces the beginning of the development of a working micro-robot walking platform, which can become a prototype of autonomous micro-robots capable of working in open space.

The RKS has long been exploring the possibility of creating thermomechanical components of micro-robot-technical systems, and not so long ago, the experience gained has enabled the holding’s specialists to develop a unique technology for manufacturing micro-robot-technical platforms that can walk independently due to the programmable deformation of the legs. When voltage is applied, the “leg” heats up and unbends in certain places. When cooled, a reverse reaction occurs - the “leg” is bent.

The weight of the platform is only about seventy milligrams, while it can hold loads that exceed its weight twenty times, but objects that are heavier than five times can move it. The prototype microrobot is capable of operating at temperatures ranging from -200 to +200 degrees Celsius in the absence of the earth's atmosphere, and is resistant to radiation and exposure to atomic oxygen in open space.

“The entire mobile platform is one multi-layered part, the production technology of which is similar to the manufacture of microchips. This is a single process without assembly operations. The device is based on only two materials - silicon and polyimide, which we receive from Russian suppliers, ”said Igor Smirnov, head of the RCC micromechanics sector.

Several dozen such platforms are made on the same silicon wafer using photolithography, sputtering and anisotropic etching. This approach allows the release of these platforms in large quantities. After the testing of the prototype is completed, the engineers plan to start making a body kit for these platforms with various useful tools. In this form, the babies are going to be sent to the ISS for experiments.

The article is based on materials
