Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Singapore scientists have learned to make blood cells from skin cells

Сингапурские ученые научились делать клетки крови из клеток кожи

According to the publication MedicalXpress, a group of researchers from Singapore managed using a special technology to "transform" the skin cells of mice in such a way that they differentiated into blood cells. Similar experiments were carried out earlier, but in the course of all previous tests the duration of functioning of such cells did not exceed several days.

The authors of the survey describe the technology of "transformation" of cells as follows: as you know, the skin consists of a huge number of cells of different functions and structure, which have an extremely high degree of adaptability to environmental conditions. Scientists have decided to expose the structural elements of the skin to factors that are expressed by blood cells. As a result, the cells of the germ layer of the epidermis were able to change and begin to perform the function of blood cells.

At the moment, tests on mice have been successfully completed, and scientists are planning the next stage of experiments, but this time in humans. It should be said that blood cells obtained in this way after a single injection did not cause adverse reactions and were able to function for more than 2 weeks. The study is led by Dr. Cheng Hui, who has been working on regenerative medicine for more than a year. According to the author, if a series of experiments is crowned with success, this can make life easier for patients in need of blood transfusions. For example, a very large amount of donor blood is necessary for patients suffering from immune disorders during surgical operations, as well as for people with severe forms of anemia and neglected cancer processes.

In conclusion, I would like to note that this experiment on the "transformation" of cells is far from the first of its kind. Earlier this year, a group of researchers from the United States succeeded in a similar way to remove mouse eggs, which during fertilization allowed for healthy offspring.

The article is based on materials
