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By 2025, the eastern United States may receive a third of its energy from renewable sources

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) made some calculations using the Peregrine supercomputer, after which the research team concluded that in theory in less than 10 years about 30% of its capacity, the US Eastern Continental Energy Network will be able to receive from renewable energy sources, if, of course, by that time to carry out the appropriate modernization.

This network is one of the largest in the world, built over a hundred years and since then has operated continuously. Initially, electricity was produced by power plants operating on non-renewable energy sources, later there was a question about wind and solar power plants that proved their viability, so they also began to be gradually incorporated into the general network, and now experts are making calculations trying to figure out and renewable energy in the system up to 30%.

Everything is not so simple, because the American Eastern Electric Network is a very complex structure, constantly serving more than 200 million people, so in order to seriously change something, you must first carry out a lot of accurate calculations, but work in this direction is underway. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account other moments, so no one is in a hurry yet. But since the National Renewable Energy Laboratory says that in theory it is already possible, it is likely that the United States will soon take the first steps.

The article is based on materials
