Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

At MIT, using 3D printing has created a new amazing material.

В MIT с помощью 3D-печати создали новый удивительный материал

It would seem that nowadays you will not surprise anyone with 3D printing. But MIT engineers are not sitting still and coming up with new and new ways to use this technology to translate their unusual projects. Their new discovery was the material, called Cilllia. Externally, it resembles a dense plastic pile with hairs only 50 microns thick, but in fact this material can be used not only for the manufacture of rugs.

The researchers printed the Cilllia material on an I33t printer, using software of their own design. With this application, they can adjust the frequency, thickness and height of printed villi with an accuracy of a few microns. In the process of experimenting with new material, it turned out that it has a number of unusual properties. For example, by placing the villi at a certain angle and applying vibration to them, the material can be turned into an actuator capable of moving objects in a certain direction.

В MIT с помощью 3D-печати создали новый удивительный материал

Cilllia villi can be adjusted in such a way that with different vibrations they will be able to sort the items by their weight. Also on the basis of these properties, the material may be a component of the motors and various drives. The villi react vividly to sounds and music that can be used in various fields. The material can even be turned into an amazing tactile interface. But most clearly it can be seen in the official video below.

The article is based on materials
