Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

The age of the core of the Earth was less than previously thought


Physicists have found that the core of the Earth is 2.5 years younger than the surface of the planet. In other words, the core of the planet is aging more slowly than its outer layers. This happens due to gravity and its one amazing ability to slow down the flow of space-time.

It should be noted that the difference in the age of the nucleus and the surface was more significant than previously thought. This theory was first proposed by the American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman in the 1960s, pointing out that the center of the Earth is most likely to be younger than the surface, which is consistent with Einstein’s general theory of relativity: clocks will go slower if they are will be located next to the object of a huge gravitational mass.

Then Feynman said that the center of the Earth would be younger than the surface "by one or two days." Surprisingly, no one decided to check his calculations. Interestingly, this expression “for one or two days” is so densely stuck in our heads that it repeated many times after many other scientists and, moreover, even published in books on physics all over the world, actually becoming one of the first memes.

Danish physicists managed to figure out a more accurate difference in age. They carried out simple calculations, according to which it turned out that the true age difference between the core and the surface of the planet is approximately two and a half years. Scientists shared their calculations on the pages of a scientific journal. European Journal of Physics . In the article, the authors also indicate that they did not intend to encroach on Feynman’s reputation. Rather, they wanted to point out that the figures adopted without actual verification by the side did not have an exact meaning, and they wanted to find out the truth.

“Scientists must rely heavily on confirmation of their calculations by other interested colleagues. However, it often happens that some very famous scientist immediately announces his discovery and many people immediately take his words as a fact. An example of this is the situation with the relative age of the earth’s core, ”the Danish experts comment.

As for the fact of the search for truth, Danish scientists believe that Feynman, also known for denying any calculations other than his own, most likely would actually be glad that they could correct his mistake.

The article is based on materials
