Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Cosmic particles can shed light on the construction of the Egyptian pyramids

Пирамида Бент

An international group of scientists said the other day that it would soon begin analyzing cosmic particles collected inside the Egyptian pyramid of Bent, looking for clues about how the pyramid was built and other data on the structure by age 4600 years. Mehdi Tayoubi, president of the Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute, said that the plates placed inside the pyramids last month collected data on particles — muons — that are shed by rain from the Earth’s atmosphere.

These particles pass through empty spaces, but can be absorbed or reflected by hard surfaces. Studying the accumulations of particles, scientists can learn more about the construction of the pyramid, built by Pharaoh Snofru.

“With the construction of the pyramids, there is no single theory that will be 100% verified or tested; only theories and hypotheses, ”says Hani Helal, vice president of the institute.

“With the new technology, we would like to confirm, modify, update, or improve the hypotheses about how the pyramids were built,” he says.

The pyramid of Bent in Dahshur, just beyond Cairo, is distinguished by the inclination of the sides. It is believed that this was the first attempt of the ancient Egyptians to build a pyramid with smooth sides.

The Scan Pyramids project, which announced the discovery of thermal anomalies in the 4500-year-old Pyramid of Cheops at Giza in November, combines thermal technologies with muon analysis in an attempt to uncover the secrets of building several ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Taiubi says the group plans to begin preparing for muon testing within a month at the pyramid of Cheops, the largest of the three pyramids at Giza.

“If we find at least one square meter of emptiness somewhere, it will lead to new questions and hypotheses and, perhaps, help to resolve these issues definitively,” says Taiubi.

The article is based on materials
