Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Humanity has doubled the warming of the world's oceans


The oceans began to absorb twice the anthropogenic heat than before - scientists found out. “Since the 1990s, the total amount of heat absorbed by the world's oceans has doubled. Over the past 150 years, nothing of the kind has been observed, ”says Chris Forest, a professor at the Department of Meteorology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Over the past 18 years, since 1997, the oceans have absorbed the same amount of energy - about 150 Zettajoules - as from 1865 to 1997, according to a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Scientists have long known that 90 percent of the heat generated by human activity is absorbed by the world's oceans. The new study used data collected by British research ships in the 1870s, as well as data from high-tech monitors and complex computer models. This made it possible to estimate changes in the temperature of the world ocean as a result of human activity.

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Most of the absorbed heat accumulates in the upper water layer 700 meters thick. But, according to scientists, this trend is changing.

“In recent decades, the ocean has continued to warm up, heat gradually penetrating into the depths,” says study lead author Peter Gleckler from the Livermore National Laboratory in California.

But most experts are concerned about the rate of rise in ocean temperature. With a decrease in the absorptive capacity of the ocean, heat begins to accumulate in the atmosphere. And this leads to a violation of the thermal balance of the Earth.

Experts say that the results of the study can have serious consequences for the inhabitants of the ocean, affecting sea currents and the intensity of storms. This once again proves that global warming is the fault of man.

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