Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Perhaps time can be reversed under certain circumstances.


It happened in the scientific world that scientists proposed new theories about time, which have one common aspect: they all say that time can flow in the opposite direction in the “mirror universe” - from the future to the past. We do not know how much these theories are related to reality, and we can hardly touch this mirror universe. One of these theories was explained last week by Frank Vilchek.

This theory may seem crazy to someone, but it is based on solid physical principles. And, of course, we can never experience another time, different from our linear model, but in another universe, it can actually flow in the opposite direction.

A group of scientists from the universities of Oxford, New Brunswick and Perimeter presented a model last year, according to which the Newtonian theory of creation creates the conditions for the movement of time in a certain direction. The study, published in Physical Review Letters, shows that biting will create a point where the distance between the particles will be minimal. After that, these particles will continue in two time directions.

Julian Barbour of Oxford compares the flow of time with the place in which the river divides into two and flows in opposite directions. "If the theory is correct, there must be another Universe on the other side of the Big Bang, in which the direction of time will be opposite to ours."

Scientists from the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a different model of particles, which showed that time moves in two different directions. Their idea is based on entropy, not gravity, and is applied to particles in infinite space, and not in a closed system, as in the case of the above model.

Their hypothesis could be compared with a bunch of balls on a trampoline. “Half the balls bounce up, the other half gathers in the center and breaks through the trampoline, creating a mixed pile on the other side,” writes Quartz. “And because the Big Bang is causing entropy to spread in two different directions, in two different universes.”

These theories, which hardly anyone can prove in the near future, are built on classical physics. In the world of quantum physics, so far nothing is clear. Instead of two streams of the river there will be “rather a fountain, from which you will receive many streams. Or streams will flow from the fountain in different directions, ”says Barbour.

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