Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

The most Mars-like place on Earth is a lifeless desert.

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Researchers have long been digging the soil of the Dry Valleys McMurdo in Antarctica in search of life. This is a cold windswept desert region among the permafrost. In other words, it is very similar to Mars. And he is completely lifeless.

Nothing. Not a single living thing. Researchers from McGill University could not find a single microbe in frozen soil. She's just cold and sterile. Having gone deeper by 60 centimeters, the researchers again did not find anything. Apparently, the Dry Valleys of McMurdo is one of the few places on Earth where there is no life at all.

“If these conditions are too dry and cold to maintain active microbial life even on Earth, colder and drier conditions in the upper layer of permafrost on Mars can hardly support life,” said researcher Lil White in a press release.

The results of the study, published in ISME, can serve as evidence that Mars is not only a cold desert, but also a completely lifeless place. However, there is good news: considering the words of Karl Sagan, “If there is life on Mars, we should not interfere there. Mars must belong to the Martians, even if they are simple microbes, ”which means that nothing will prevent us from colonizing the Red Planet.

Based on Popular Mechanics

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