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# video | Looks like 135 years of global warming, if you reduce them to 30 seconds

Так выглядят 135 лет глобального потепления, если сократить их до 30 секунд

Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system, which is closely monitored by scientists from different countries. Over the past 100 years, the average temperature has increased by 0.74 degrees Celsius, and the rate of warming has increased rapidly since 1980. This 30-second video clearly demonstrates how the temperature on Earth has changed over the past 135 years.

This phenomenon brings with it a number of consequences. Global warming leads to an increase in the level of the oceans (about 0.5 meters in 100 years), as well as changes in the distribution and amount of precipitation. The melting rate of Arctic ice is about 600 thousand square kilometers in ten years. Crop yields in Africa, Asia and Latin America are declining, but yields are increasing in developed countries. Areas of biological species are shifted closer to the polar zones, and the probability of extinction of numerous species living in coastal zones and on islands increases sharply.

The video was prepared by NASA, and in a very clear form it shows us what humanity has done with its planet over the past few decades. As a result of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, 2015 was the hottest year since the end of the 19th century. What awaits us all further is not hard to imagine, but how to deal with all this is not a question of one million dollars.

The article is based on materials
