Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Created slowly melting ice cream


Scientists say they have found a way to slow the melting of ice cream. They used protein that is found in different foods.

Protein called BslA (bacterial covering A-layer) is found in traditional Japanese food, natto, which is made from fermented soy beans. Bacillus subtilis bacteria grow in colonies - the so-called biofilms. These colonies produce protection in the form of a BslA coating.

Edinburgh University scientists who have studied the potential use of protein have realized that the physical properties of this bacterial coating are ideal for ice cream.

Protein covers air bubbles, particles of fat and water, increasing the stability of the mixture. In practice, this means that the ice cream will melt more slowly, despite the gradual increase in temperature. In addition, the delicacy keeps the homogeneous structure longer, since ice crystals are not formed in it, writes The Washington Post.

Scientists have published two studies related to the work of BslA. In the first study, the focus is on the biological properties of the protein, in the second - on its physical properties. Slowly melting ice cream was tested in the laboratory.

The new ingredient will benefit not only consumers, but also manufacturers. The production of slow-melting ice cream will consume less energy needed to provide cooling. The product will become softer and more uniform - its consumer qualities will increase.

It is reported that a new ice cream may go on sale over the next 3-5 years.

The article is based on materials
