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Scientists explain why you need to wash new clothes


New clothes before the first wear should be washed, warn dermatologists. Chemicals that retain the shape of clothing and do not allow it to crease may cause all sorts of allergic reactions in humans, such as skin rashes and itching.

Professor of the Department of Dermatology at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York Donald Belcito (Donald Belsito) says that any clothes must be washed and rinsed twice after purchase before being dressed. He also warns that the thing may be infected with parasitic insects from people who tried it on in the store.

Unfortunately, the law does not oblige manufacturers to report the use of smoothing agents on clothing labels.

The Daily Mail newspaper writes that research conducted in New Zealand has shown that Chinese clothing is 900 times more than the safe level of allergens.

According to Professor Belcito, who specializes in the treatment of dermatitis, the allergen here is formaldehyde resin. Gaseous colorless substance is applied to some types of clothing to smooth out wrinkles and prevent the development of mold.

However, formaldehyde resin is associated with skin irritation and allergic reactions, and some researchers even believe that it increases the risk of developing cancer.

No less dangerous are dyes. Many synthetic fabrics treated with azoaniline dyes can cause a severe reaction when it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, allergy sufferers are advised to wash new clothes not once, but twice before the first wear.

Allergy is usually manifested in areas of greatest friction or sweating - the waist, neck, hips, and also around the armpits.

The article is based on materials
