Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient farm right in the center of Israel

Археологи обнаружили древнюю ферму прямо в центре Израиля

A group of archaeologists during the excavations on the territory of Israel discovered a 2800-year-old farm. The farm is fairly well preserved and contains a huge amount of valuable items that can tell a lot about the distant past.

The farm discovered by archaeologists is a building with an area of ​​approximately 30 by 40 meters, inside which 23 individual rooms are very dense, each of which fulfilled its own important role in the life of this place. There is also storage for grain, wine presses, and much, much more.

The structure was discovered during the excavations, which were initiated by the authorities of Israel. These excavations were a usual measure preceding the next building of the city. But since the found farm is of great interest to researchers, the authorities will have to look for a new place for construction.

The farm dates back to the times of the Assyrian conquest, when the Assyrians conquered Northern Israel.

“At that time, this farm served as a premise in which local people participated in the processing of agricultural products,” noted the excavation head Amit Shadman. A large storehouse for grain demonstrates the fact that even then the people of ancient Israel were actively growing grain crops. ”

This is not the first time archaeologists have stumbled upon ancient tools for the production of wine. In September of this year, they discovered a wine press aged 1500 years under the streets of Tel Aviv. But the press found in Israel is much older than the previous find.

The ancient people continued to actively use the farm in the 6th century BC, when the Jews returned to Israel after the Babylonian captivity. The structure remained active in the Hellenistic period, which lasted from the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC) until the final establishment of Roman rule in these territories.

The fact of the presence in the region of the ancient Greeks is clearly evidenced by a coin with the image of Hercules on one side and Zeus on the opposite side, which is also approximately 2800 years old.

Греческая монета

Греческая монета

Starting from the 13th century, local people began to disassemble a farm building in order to use stones as a building material for new buildings. Fortunately, they have not completely disassembled the entire farm, leaving most of it to the joy of the descendants and archaeologists of the future.

The Israeli Department of Antiquities plans to preserve this building and after some time open it to the public.

The article is based on materials
