Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Curiosity discovered signs of life on Mars


The rover Curiosity found traces on the Red Planet that indicate the conditions for the existence of extraterrestrial life. The research apparatus recorded a fleeting burst of methane on the Martian surface. The discovery was made in the crater of Gale.

According to Space, the average level of methane on Mars suddenly increased 10 times and then quickly dissipated. The reason for this surge is still unknown. Researchers are particularly interested in finding methane on the Red Planet, as it may indicate the existence of extraterrestrial life. Scientists have yet to figure out the source of its origin, because methane can also be formed as a result of geological processes. Nevertheless, this is a good starting point.


In NASA they say that it is too early to draw any conclusions and assert that microorganisms are the source of methane.

The new study, published in the journal Science, also states that Curiosity found methane in a Martian atmosphere at a concentration of about 0.7 parts per billion. This is less than the previous estimates and calculations, but higher than the results of the Curiosity measurements made last year. Past measurements have not shown the presence of methane in the atmosphere of the Red Planet.

Another work from the journal Science describes another interesting finding on Mars. The clay sample allowed scientists to measure the level of hydrogen that was in the atmosphere of the Red Planet about 3-3.7 billion years ago. This discovery should help find out when liquid water has disappeared from the surface of Mars.

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During the meeting of the American Geophysical Union, representatives of NASA also reported that as a result of drilling rocky breed, Curiosity found other organic compounds. Organics, according to scientists, could be delivered to Mars by meteorites or originated on the planet itself.

The instantaneous surge of methane with its subsequent dispersion in the atmosphere of Mars caused some confusion among the scientists who discovered it, because the estimated average lifetime of the methane molecule on Mars is about 300 years.

Researchers are inclined to believe that a sudden outburst of gas occurred near the "Curiosity". They believe that the source of methane was small and was located next to the rover itself.

Previously, Curiosity was able to obtain data that confirmed the existence of Martian lakes in the past. The analysis showed that they could even develop life.

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