Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Scientists clarify who the snowman

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The mystery of Bigfoot stirs the minds of scientists for many decades. What kind of a human being, also known as a yeti, lives in the Himalayan mountains? A new study refutes the findings of geneticists, according to which the snowman is a distant relative of the polar bear.

New DNA analysis from hair samples showed that the ancestor of the yeti is a modern polar bear and a rare species of another bear from the high ridges of the mountains. According to the results of the study, the snow man is no primate, which science does not know about, and not even a hybrid of a brown bear, as previously thought, but a subspecies of the Himalayan bear.

Researchers from the universities of Copenhagen and Oxford conducted a repeated genetic analysis of the snowman's hair samples, which were originally investigated by Professor Brian Sykes, also from Oxford. It was he who declared last year that the Yeti is the result of the cross of two kinds of bears.

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The Himalayan bear is a subspecies of the brown bear living on the high ranges of the Himalayas, on remote mountainous areas of Pakistan, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and India. “Its population is small, isolated, and extremely rare,” said scientists.

In 1951, the British mountaineer Eric Shipton, who was climbing Everest, photographed the snowman's trail. Another climber, Reinhold Messner, the first conqueror of Everest without oxygen, also said that he saw a humanoid creature in Tibet in 1986. And this is not counting the stories of local residents about their meetings with ape-like creatures.

Professor Sykes commented on a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, recognizing the fallacy of their results. He confirmed that the studied samples of the hair of the Himalayan Bigfoot really do not belong to primates.

The article is based on materials
