Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Study: only men are more stupid than women


A British Medical Journal article published on the eve of the Christmas holidays speaks in support of the so-called “idiotic male theory,” according to which, in short, men are much more stupid than women. But before you decide not to read this news and continue browsing our site further, please note that the study of this issue was conducted not by “next British scientists”, but by quite respected experts who are currently working with various research organizations on southeast of England.

So, these honorable gentlemen and ladies base their evidence on the analysis of data about who most often became the winner of the Darwin Prize. For those who do not know, this prize is annually awarded to people who, in the most stupid way, have died or have lost the ability to have children and contribute to the gene pool of humanity, thereby only improving it.

Darwin Awards

In order to find out which of the two sexes actually turns out to be more stupid, scientists analyzed the list of winners of the Darwin Prize from 1995 to 2014, to find out who most often - men or women - received it. On the pages of the scientific journal British Medical Journal, researchers explain that, in the selected 20-year period, a total of 413 people received the Darwin Prize. However, the Darwin Prize committee officially confirmed only 332 laureates.

Among all these men and women, there were 14 couples who shared an “achievement” identical to each other, so they were not included in the sample. In the end, scientists focused on 318 cases with people who committed the most idiotic acts.

The analysis showed that among these 318 cases, 282 (that is, 88.7%) were committed by men, and the remaining 36 (11.3%) - by women. Based on these data, scientists argue that men are more likely to commit stupid acts that put their lives at risk.

“The statistics also show that it is men who most often enter the trauma departments of hospitals, men are more likely to receive sports injuries and more often are involved in road accidents with a higher mortality rate,” the study says.

“According to the“ idiotic male theory, ”many of the cases related to risky behavior, the data obtained from the emergency rooms, and the mortality rate can be explained by the fact that men are very stupid and very stupid people commit very stupid acts.” - adds the study.

For the sake of laughter, we will cite as an example two stories that, among other things, were considered by experts of the new research as evidence that men are much more stupid than women. However, keep in mind, despite the fact that these stories are very funny, they may seem to some people rather cruel, so if you are a very sensitive person, then just do not read what is written further.

The first story is about a man who very much wanted to get to his house faster. To do this, he hitched a grocery cart at the back of a train car, got into it and waited for the train to take it to its destination. Unfortunately, the idea did not go according to plan. In short, the man died from multiple injuries resulting from this insane trip.

The second story is about a terrorist who once decided to send a letter-bomb in the mail, but he miscalculated and pasted less than he needed stamps on an envelope. As a result, the postal service saw the advantage of the letter and sent it back to the sender's address. For some reason, the man decided to open the letter, as a result he blew himself up by mistake.

As for the scientists behind the latest research, they believe that the “idiotic male theory” is not at all nonsense and takes time to be studied further, and who knows, perhaps even field observations.

The article is based on materials
