Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Created the most detailed map of the surface of Mars

Создана самая детализированная карта поверхности Марса

Planning to go to Mars once? Then you will definitely need to bring along a map of its surface, so as not to get lost among all these mountains and deserts.

This map of Mars was created by the US Geological Survey for 16 years based on data from four orbiters flying around the planet: Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. A huge amount of research materials were carefully processed and transformed into one incredibly detailed map.

Before us is the first map of Mars, created in the last 27 years, since the last time scientists tried to build a detailed image of the surface of the Red Planet back in 1987.

The map includes the geological objects of Mars, the forms of its landscape, built on the basis of morphological, topographical, spectral, thermophysical and ultrasonic analysis of the surface of the planet.

Download a detailed map in high resolution you can on official website US Geological Survey.

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