Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Danes are genetically programmed for happiness


Denmark has the happiest people in the world. New research has shown that the key to happiness is hidden in their DNA. Details reported resource Mashable.

Scientists from the University of Warwick's Center for Global Studies (University of Warwick's Center for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy) in the UK decided to find out why countries like Denmark and the Netherlands regularly bypass other European countries with a high GDP level (gross domestic product). They have found several evidence that a high level of satisfaction with life depends not only on the level of life itself, but also on genetic factors.

In the first part of the study, scientists measured the “genetic distance” between residents of different countries. They analyzed the research data of 131 countries, taking into account the level of socio-economic development of the state, culture and religion of the peoples living on its territory.

The results were very unexpected. We found that the further the genetic distance of other nations from the people of Denmark, the lower their level of satisfaction with life, said economist Eugenio Proto, one of the authors of the study.

In other words, the closer the people are in the structure of genes to the Danes, the happier they are. In the second part of the study, the relationship between happiness and a gene, which affects the level of the chemical serotonin in the brain, which in turn is responsible for good mood, was determined. As it turned out, less happy people have a short version of this gene.

Among the 30 countries studied in Denmark and the Netherlands, the least people live with a short version of this gene, Proto added.

It is not superfluous to note that in the ranking of the happiest countries World Happiness Report 2013 in which 156 countries are represented, Russia ranked 68th. This gives reason to argue about the differences in the DNA of Russians and Danes.

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