Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Developed material capable of causing water to rise on a vertical surface.

Разработан материал, способный заставить воду подниматься по вертикальной поверхности

A group of scientists from MIT has developed amazing material that can make a liquid rise on a vertical surface contrary to gravity.

Scientists were inspired in their developments by the fur of various animals. That is why the material at high magnification resembles skin, the surface of which is covered with thousands of tiny magnetic villi that can move when exposed to a magnetic field.

In this simple way, scientists forced the water to move in the direction they wanted, even up the vertical wall. Water movement can be easily controlled with magnetic fields.

The ability to control water is just one of the beneficial uses of the new invention. Given that magnetic villi can be made from materials similar to those used to create optical fiber, in the future it will be possible to create amazing self-dimming in the bright light of glass, as well as special "smart optics" for cameras.

Scientists are also speculating to create artificial leather in the future based on their developments, and their invention is capable of turning the technology of protecting electronics against water. Potentially, this technology can even control individual living cells with the help of the same magnetic fields.

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