Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Elon Musk considers artificial intelligence a serious threat to humanity

Элон Маск считает искусственный интеллект серьёзной угрозой человечеству

If the robots once capture our planet, then Elon Musk will surely say: “But I told you so!”. It turned out that the brilliant billionaire inventor, who loves to embody the impossible into reality, seriously worries about research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

Last week, Mask wrote the following on his Twitter account:

“We need to be extremely careful with artificial intelligence. Potentially, it is much more dangerous than nuclear warheads. ”

After some time, the inventor continued to reflect on this:

“I hope that you and I are not something like a bootloader for the artificial superintellekt of the future. But, as it seems to me, everything goes exactly to this. ”

These words sound rather ominous. Considering that Elon Musk has a much greater idea of ​​the advanced developments in the field of high technologies than many of us, we can assume that he knows what he is talking about. And this is not the first time when an ingenious inventor speaks negatively about artificial intelligence.

During an interview with CNBC earlier this year, Musk appealed to scientists to be extremely careful with the development of artificial intelligence, and also jokingly compared the possible future of humanity with the plot of the movie Terminator.

Considering that Internet giant Google has acquired Boston Dynamics, the company that is developing the most impressive robots today, as well as the artificial intelligence company DeepMind, we can assume that in the coming years we will definitely see something resembling intelligent humanoid robots.

Artificial Intelligence expert Ray Kurzweil (also hired by Google), however, argues that one should not be afraid for our future. According to him, people simply try to improve their lives and themselves with the help of advanced AI.

"There will be no" we are against the machines. " We are simply expanding our own capabilities by creating self-thinking mechanisms, ”said Kurzweil.”

If you look on the other hand, Musk is not trying to stop the development of artificial intelligence, but only asks scientists to be extremely careful. It is understandable - to trust a reasonable machine to the nuclear red button should not be under any scenario.

Based on The Verge

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