Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Google based on genetic research will create a model of a person with perfect health

Google на основе генетических исследований создаст модель человека с идеальным здоровьем

In the depths of Google was born the next big research project. The study should answer the only question: what should be a perfectly healthy person?

The Baseline Study research project has just begun, and Google scientists have already managed to anonymously take all the analyzes necessary for their work from 175 volunteers. The plans of scientists to expand the test group to several thousand people.

The program is headed by well-known molecular biologist Andrew Conrad, who once developed a cheap way to detect HIV in the blood of patients. In total, the project employs more than 70 scientists in the field of psychology, biochemistry, optics, molecular biology and other sciences.

The aim of the study is to process hundreds of thousands of test results obtained during the survey of volunteers, the selection of special biomarkers and patterns, on the basis of which a certain model of a healthy person will be created. Later, the model will be used by doctors all over the world, who, taking just one analysis and comparing it with the patterns created by Google, will be able to identify almost any disease in a patient even at the earliest stage.

Scientists say that the realization of their ideas in life will take a lot of time, and on the way they face many difficulties:

“It’s not you who are not writing any computer application, so don’t expect us to finish our work in just a couple of years. We really have to process a huge amount of information. Earlier, we made loud statements that within a few years we will learn how to treat cancer. We don’t say such things anymore, because we made the right conclusions for ourselves. What we do is not a revolution. We just thought that in order to cure a person, you first need to find out what he really is sick with, ”says Dr. Sam Gambier, one of the scientists working on the project.

Well, the project looks very promising. It may be that in the future only a single analysis will really be enough for the doctors to make a complete history of their patient.

The article is based on materials
