Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Scientists are exploring the possibility of creating liquid media

Учёные исследуют возможность создания жидких носителей информации

In the modern world, information carriers become smaller every year. A couple of decades ago, it was hard for a person to imagine that one day you could write hundreds of gigabytes of data to a tiny flash drive. But progress does not stand still, and scientists are exploring the possibility of creating completely new media.

Researchers from the University of Michigan, together with colleagues from the University of New York demonstrated the results of their research. As part of this research project, scientists used a solution with plastic nanoparticles floating in it, which are capable of forming single-bit clusters. In fact, this solution imitates biological processes that can be easily found in nature, for example, DNA in living cells is very similar to what scientists are trying to create.

In this video, scientists have demonstrated how nanoparticles behave within these single-bit clusters:

“A four-particle memory cluster connected to the central sphere can assume two positions, like a normal bit of information. A cluster of 12 particles can already take 8 million unique positions. In the course of research, we found out that a tablespoon containing a solution with clusters of 12 particles is capable of storing a terabyte of data. Agree, this is much smaller than a portable hard disk. ”

Scientists are currently trying to resolve the issue with the materials that will be used in the carriers of the new generation. Since there is an acute question of the high cost of future technology. The second most important issue is to teach such carriers to read and write information into clusters of particles.

The researchers note that this is only the first and very important step in this direction, and they will publish the results of their future research on a regular basis. So far, the technology has been decided to call “wet computing” (from “wet” - moisture, Eng.).

Who knows, maybe in about five years we will be able to purchase a couple of liters of a new storage medium at any computer store, fill it with a special tank of your personal computer and thereby expand its memory capacity.

The article is based on materials
