Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Scientists have refuted the popular myth about the unused possibilities of the brain


You can often hear the opinion that a person uses only 10 percent of his mental potential. Scientists have refuted this statement.

The fallacy of this concept is demonstrated in the new film by Luc Besson. The main character of the science fiction film “Lucy” (premiered on August 8), played by the American film actress Scarlett Johansson, is trying to get her brain to work at full capacity with the help of a medicine. She directs her new abilities to fight bad guys.

People think they only use their brain by 10 percent. Imagine that we can make it work 100 percent. We are waiting for a lot of interesting things, - says the character, which the actor Morgen Freeman plays in the film "Lucy".

However, Barbara Sahakyan, a professor of neuropsychology at the University of Cambridge, is confident that 10 percent of the used part of the brain is an invention that has no scientific basis. According to her, the brain is active and constantly used, but not always at full capacity. Different parts of the brain are responsible for the various functions of the body that regulate the work of the organs of sight, hearing, speech and muscle movement.

Скарлетт Йоханссон

The idea of ​​not using 90 percent of the brain’s capabilities is beyond analysis. According to Sahakyan, it is impossible to calculate the exact figure, but it is more than 10 percent, which is an invention that first appeared in 1936 in the collection of advice of the American psychologist Dale Carnegie “How to win friends and influence people”.

According to Sam Wan, a neuroscientist at Princeton University in the United States, this figure was necessary for the author of the book to motivate a person to self-improvement — you need to work hard to unlock the full potential of your brain.

Scientists remind that it is possible to “stir up” the brain. Regular exercise and training can help in this, and fatigue can help.

A recent study cited by the Daily Mail newspaper showed that 65 percent of Americans believe in the common 10 percent myth. Researchers call it a beautiful excuse, which you can always write off your failures.

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