Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

NASA will pay money to detect dangerous asteroids

NASA объявила сезон охоты на астероиды

Amateur astronomers can now rely on a material reward for their hobby. After all, NASA is ready to pay for the detection of highly dangerous asteroids that threaten our planet.

NASA has teamed up with Planetary Resources to hold a unique competition among people who are alone in space exploration. The competition was called “Asteroid Data Hunting”, and its goal is to detect very large asteroids heading towards our planet.

The beginning of the competition is scheduled for March 17, 2014, and the prize fund will be $ 35,000.

“In order to protect our planet from the threat of the fall of asteroids, first of all, it is necessary to establish the exact location of these asteroids,” NASA spokesman Jenn Hustenik shared with journalists. “We will allow enthusiasts from all over the world to join forces to help protect our planet from unexpected encounters.”

Contestants will have to come up with new methods and algorithms to search for “space stones”, using data from ground-based telescopes. They should minimize the number of false-positive results in huge amounts of data. And the most effective and accurate ways to search for such asteroids will be rewarded with valuable cash prizes. If you are interested in this contest, you can learn more about it at official website .

The article is based on materials
