Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Scientists manage to get stem cells from one drop of blood.

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The process of producing stem cells is quite painful and unpleasant for the patient. After all, he needs to take a large amount of blood or even bone marrow samples. However, doctors from the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology in Singapore managed to create a new method by which stem cells can be obtained from just one drop of blood.

According to scientists, the future of regenerative medicine is behind the stem cells, and therefore the issue of obtaining them is very relevant. In addition, a simpler new method will allow to create banks of stem cells by expanding the number of donors.

For a new method of obtaining stem cells, only one drop of blood is needed, which can be taken from a finger. A person can carry out this procedure, even without having additional medical equipment, at home, and then send a blood sample for examination. This advantage will significantly increase the number of donors, which will favorably affect this area of ​​medicine.

According to the author of the work of Dr. Loh Yuin Han Jonathan, blood samples retain their properties for 48 hours, reports

“We managed to reprogram the blood cells taken from the finger into the cells of the heart. This carefully thought-out technology for obtaining stem cells from a blood drop can be put into practice, ”says the author.

A team of scientists has already applied for a patent for their invention.

The article is based on materials
