Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Smartphones will help in the treatment of eye diseases.


Many people avoid eye examinations, complaining about the lack of money or time they need to visit a specialist. But soon such excuses will lose their relevance. American scientists have developed an inexpensive device that allows a smartphone to take high-quality pictures of the eye.

Experts promise that after a simple workout, everyone can take a detailed picture of the front and back parts of the eyeball. The obtained data is transmitted to the ophthalmologist for a detailed study and stored in the electronic medical record of the patient, writes the British newspaper The Daily Mail.

Robert Chan, a co-author and associate professor at the Department of Ophthalmology at the School of Medicine at Stanford University, calls his work “The Instagram for the Eye” (Instagram is an application for sharing photos and videos). He and his colleagues believe that this technology will be able to make ophthalmological services more accessible, and allow doctors to advise patients at a distance.


It should be noted that the specialized ophthalmological equipment costs tens of thousands of dollars, and its use requires serious preparation. Moreover, not all the inhabitants of the planet have access to such services.

The use of smartphones in monitoring the state of vision is relevant where there is no opportunity to undergo a full examination by a specialist, or at the time of first aid, - commented the technology the lead author of the study and ophthalmologist David Mun.

Scientists note that modern smartphones have not only good cameras, but also support for high-speed data exchange, which allows you to send photos to a medical facility in a matter of seconds. The technology described in the work is a step towards remote diagnostics of the state of health, they are sure.

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It is worth noting that the market already has overhead microscopes for smartphones that can take detailed pictures of the eye, but they are not as convenient to use as the device created by doctors at Stanford University. This is especially important when counting for seconds.

The product was created from parts printed on a 3D printer. The work was published in the Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine.

It is reported that in the near future an extensive clinical study of the quality of images obtained using the new technology will be conducted. Then the possibility of monitoring the condition of the eyes in people with diabetes will be tested.

The article is based on materials
