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Sociologists: touchscreens replaced toys for children

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A new study showed that children prefer touchscreen toys. More than half of the parents surveyed stated that their children were addicted to mobile devices with a touch screen.

As American experts note, touch screens have overtaken dolls, board games and other traditional toys. Moreover, the popularity of mobile gadgets continues to grow, the newspaper The Daily Mail.

I have never seen more intuitive technology for children. Touch screens have become their main gaming activity, ”says Michael Cohen of the Michael Cohen Group (MCG) research company.

The MCG published the results of its recent nationwide survey of 350 parents who were asked about the habits of their own children under the age of 12. More than 60 percent of those surveyed said that their child “often” uses a touchscreen; about 38 percent answered: "very often." The interviewers were extremely surprised:

We observe children about 30 years old. And they have never seen such rapid changes in the world as now. It took 30 years to make television accessible to everyone. This [mobile device] is the fastest implementation of the technology that we have observed.

Researchers have found that more than 70 percent of children live in families where they use smartphones, and more than 55 percent of children in families with tablet computers. Moreover, the interviewed households have different levels of wealth. 36 percent of the total number of small users have their own touchscreen.

The survey showed that most often the touchscreen is used by the child for the game, which goes without saying, because the game is the main activity of young children. In addition, with the help of touch devices, children love to communicate with friends and watch videos.

Conventional toys are losing popularity among children - they are replaced by mobile devices and game consoles. Moreover, more than half of parents perceive touchscreens as “toys”, but not always. Among them there are those who are sure that no mobile device can replace a child with a regular toy.

Earlier, scientists said that mobile devices and tablet computers in particular have an adverse effect on the development of the child, and bad behavior at the table helps to learn better.

The article is based on materials
