Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Water will be cleaned with graphene and sunlight.

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Sunlight with the addition of titanium pigment will help purify water contaminated with drugs, pesticides and other substances potentially dangerous to human health. Scientists have combined several high-tech components to facilitate water purification. The new technology involves the use of an inexhaustible source of energy to get clean drinking water in problem regions of the planet.

The discussion took place at the 247th National Assembly and Exhibition of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Ann Morrissey, a speaker and Ph.D. from the City University of Dublin in Ireland, explained that one day a new technology would translate into a simple and widely available product for the final treatment of water treated with conventional methods. This will get rid of the most persistent pollution in the water.

According to PhysOrg, a team of scientists led by Morrissey used in her research work titanium dioxide powder (TiO2), which is used to bleach paint, paper, toothpaste, food, and others. With proper use of energy, titanium dioxide can also serve as a catalyst - to destroy unwanted compounds contained in drinking water, for example, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Mrs. Morrissey explained that all attempts to modify the existing methods of water purification in the hope of getting rid of potentially harmful substances to human health were costly and in most cases did not produce the expected results.

Usually titanium dioxide is activated by ultraviolet light from special lamps. Scientists have tried to conduct the same reaction, but with the help of sunlight. To this end, they began to select forms of titanium dioxide that best absorb visible light. It was found that nanotubes, the thickness of which is about one ten thousandth the thickness of a human hair, are best suited for this purpose. But they alone were not enough. Then the scientists paid attention to graphene (a modification of carbon of monatomic thickness).

Graphene is a magic material, but its use for the purpose of water purification is not fully understood. He has great potential, Morrissey said with admiration.

To achieve the desired result, scientists placed nanotubes on top of graphene sheets. It was noted that particles of contaminants that fall on the surface of graphene are subject to the destructive effects of titanium dioxide.

The system was tested on an anti-inflammatory drug with the active substance diclofenac, which in India caused a mass extinction of the vultures.

We see the use of graphene composite in a cartridge for single-stage water purification. It will be enough to buy a cartridge and insert it into the water pipe, ”said Morrissey.

However, scientists note that the maximum result is achieved only with pre-filtering. However, they hope to conduct additional research to make sure that when a cartridge fails, contamination does not get into the water again.

The global problem of lack of drinking water is given much attention. There are even systems that generate water from the air.

The article is based on materials
