Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

British scientists have created safe alcohol

Британские ученые создали "безопасный" алкоголь

British scientists have developed a drug that can cause the effect of intoxication without harm to health and, importantly, without addiction. And in order to instantly sober up, it is enough to take a special antidote.

David Nutt, a professor at Imperial College in London, together with his colleagues studied the effects of alcohol on the human brain, writes The Guardian. Scientists note that alcohol is one of the oldest and most dangerous types of drugs. About 2.5 million deaths every year in the world are due to excessive drinking. According to scientists, the reason for this is the toxicity of alcohol for all systems of the human body, namely, the brain, heart and liver.

Today, the only possible way to reduce the damage caused by the use of alcohol is to limit its availability while increasing the cost of alcohol-containing products. However, British scientists are convinced that their alternative allows you to develop the safest version of alcohol, writes

David Nutt says that the main task for his research was the development of a new, harmless drink, which at the same time will be as tasty as possible. Moreover, the professor does not exclude the possibility of creating this drink in the form of a cocktail. In addition, before specialized enterprises will be able to manufacture drugs that will be sold with the new drink as an antidote.

As a result of the study, scientists also found that, first of all, alcohol affects the neurotransmitter system of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which, in turn, keeps the brain at rest. Alcohol also activates the functions of GABA, as a result of which a person relaxes.

Natt also identified five chemical compounds that allow to experience intoxication, which the scientist decided to test on himself. So, when testing one of the test subject’s compounds for about 1 hour, they tended to sleep - the professor felt more than relaxed. However, taking the antidote, after a few minutes, according to the researcher, he could even give a lecture to students. Therefore, scientists believe, immediately after taking an antidote, a person can safely get behind the wheel.

Thus, a priori, the ability to recreate alcohol in a different form, even in the form of, say, pills, science has. In addition, the use of new types of "alcohol" will not lead to such negative consequences as, for example, dependence, aggressiveness, hangover. According to experts, the substance discovered by Nutt "is capable of producing a real revolution in health care."

The article is based on materials
