Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Gadgets Increase Stroke Risk

Британские ученые считают, что гаджеты повышают риск развития инсульта

British scientists at Exeter University monitored the health of more than 8,000 Americans and concluded that mobile devices are not as safe as their manufacturers claim.

According to scientists, the harmful effects of gadgets on the human brain is explained not only by regular nervous tension, but also by the presence of tungsten in modern devices used in the manufacture of laptops, tablets and smartphones. And recently, the amount of use of this metal in the production of mobile equipment has increased 2 times.

The research was conducted for 12 years by a group of experts led by Jessica Tyrell. As a result, scientists have come to the conclusion that with an increase in the level of tungsten in the body, the risk of stroke increases significantly, according to This is especially dangerous for people over 50 years. Scientists also believe that such a condition arises as a result of "oxidative stress," which develops in cells with an excess of tungsten in the body.

For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that scientists still cannot unequivocally state that currently the increase in the concentration of tungsten in the human body is due to the constant interaction of man and gadgets. However, scientists believe, it is also impossible to deny the fact that when working with a mobile device, a small amount of tungsten is released into the environment and enters the human food chain and, as a result, into the human body.

Also, given that scientists have not conducted specific studies on the negative effects of tungsten on the human body at the moment, researchers still have to thoroughly study this issue before making any definite conclusions.

The article is based on materials
