Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

In Taiwan, there was a case of infection with a new type of bird flu.

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A 20-year-old resident of Taiwan became the first person to become infected with a new strain of bird flu, which was named H6N1.

Back in May of this year, the woman was hospitalized due to fever, cough, and significantly increased breathing. Initial tests for the most common infections showed negative results. But a more thorough examination revealed the presence of the H6N1 avian influenza strain, which had never before hit the human body. As a result, the sick woman was cured with antiviral drugs.

The most interesting thing in this case is that there is no evidence that the H6N1 virus can be transmitted from person to person. Infected woman worked in the supermarket, but she did not come into contact with bird meat or with living representatives of the bird world.

Among 125 cases of avian influenza infection in Taiwan, after a case with this woman, not a single case of H6N1 was reported. Were also examined 36 people in contact with this woman and infected with avian flu around the same time. None of them discovered a new virus strain either, they all contracted old varieties of the virus.

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The H6N1 virus is by far the newest form of avian influenza. We remind you that earlier this year, infections with the H7N9 strain were registered in China, which affected 139 people. 49 of these 139 people died as a result.

"The discovery of a new strain of bird flu has once again demonstrated the unpredictability of the behavior of viruses within the human population," said researchers from the Taiwan Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

In order to identify the potential threat of a new virus strain, further research is needed, including also the identification of the method of transmission of the virus from poultry to man. Scientists will also continue to carefully monitor the further evolution and behavior of bird flu, because its further genetic changes may make the virus even more dangerous for people.

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