Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Indian probe directed to Mars stuck in Earth orbit

Первый космический аппарат в истории Индии направлен к Марсу

In the Indian spacecraft heading to Mars, an engine crash occurred during the transition to a higher near-earth orbit.

Representatives of the Indian Space Research Organization (IOCI) acknowledged that the rocket managed to achieve only 25% of the required speed, but confidently stated that the mission of the device will continue and on Tuesday, November 12, engineers will make another attempt to send a probe to Mars, reports bbc

Ракета с зондом для изучения Марса стартовала 05 ноября 2013 года

If all the maneuvers of the first Indian spacecraft succeed, it will reach the orbit of Mars in September 2014.

Recall that the Indian probe, designed to study the red planet, was launched on November 5, 2013 from the spaceport on Sriharikot Island in the Bay of Bengal. The device is equipped with a sensor for determining the composition of the Martian atmosphere, a thermal infrared spectrometer, a video camera for shooting the surfaces of the planet and its satellites - Deimos and Phobos.

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