Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Low temperature accelerates cancer


American scientists have found that cold affects the development of cancer cells, at least in mice. The study opens up new directions in the study of cancer using rodents as models.

The work was published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. A brief description of the study provides a resource PhysOrg.

A team of scientists led by Elizabeth Reparsky of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute found that in mice living in relative cold (about 22 ° C), cancer develops faster than their counterparts, for which comfortable temperature conditions were created (about 30 ° C ). Low ambient temperatures have contributed to the growth of breast, skin, colon and pancreatic cancer cells.

It's all about T-lymphocytes, which detect and kill cancer cells. The latter, using special signals, cause the immune system to suppress T-cells. The battle continues until one side surpasses the other.

At the same time, temperature conditions do not affect the number of T-lymphocytes - in those and other mice it is the same. However, at a comfortable temperature, immune cells work faster and more efficiently. In addition, “warm” T-cells secrete more anti-cancer substances than “cold” ones.

In cancer tumors of mice living in unacceptable temperature conditions, an increased number of cells were observed that suppressed the immune response. Lowering the temperature changes the body's response to the tumor - it takes it.

The most interesting is that many laboratories keep their experimental mice in rooms with room temperature, which is uncomfortable for rodents. This may increase the bias of research and raise doubts about the reliability of previously obtained data and conclusions.

Mice as well as people, feeling the cold, are looking for a warmer place. With options (22, 28, 30, 34, or 38 ° C), a healthy mouse will choose a room with a temperature of 30 ° C, while the patient will prefer 38 ° C. It should be noted that cancer patients often experience severe chills, especially after treatment.

Presumably, growing tumors themselves provoke a decrease in body temperature in order to survive. The exact principle of operation of this mechanism is not yet known, but the results of the study are of great importance in the treatment and treatment of cancer. On the question of whether it is possible to treat cancer with heat (for example, in a sauna), scientists have yet to answer.

Previous studies have shown that a temporary increase in body temperature improves the effect of radiation therapy in the treatment of breast cancer, angiosarcoma, and sarcoma.

Nevertheless, it is too early to draw final conclusions. This will require additional research.

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