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NASA showed how Mars was 4 billion years ago

Специалисты НАСА создали видео о том, как выглядел Марс 4 млрд. лет назад

NASA space agency specialists in a new video recreated the appearance of the surface of Mars four billion years ago.

When creating this video, materials were used by researchers from the NASA research team called MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution - “The Evolution of the Atmosphere and Volatile Matter on Mars”) and engaged in the study of climate change and the atmosphere of the Red Planet. As noted in a press release from NASA, MAVEN experts in the course of upcoming research will try to find out why "Mars has lost its atmosphere." In addition, MAVEN will launch a research probe in November 2013, which will arrive in Mars orbit in September 2014. Fuel supply will allow him to continue to work until 2023.

The video presented on the Web shows how the Martian climate has changed over time over four billion years, from the dried up or frozen numerous lakes and water channels to the present-day view of the planet, reports.

Specialists created video based on studies of the surface of Mars, which showed that more than four billion years ago there were numerous reservoirs on the Red Planet. “We have evidence that there are characteristic channels on the surface of Mars that could appear due to the influence of water flows on the ground,” said Joseph Grebowski, an employee of the NASA scientific visualization studio. - In addition, there are craters on the planet, the state of the walls of which suggests that they used to be lakes. In addition, there are minerals on the surface that form only when there is water in the atmosphere. ”

The article is based on materials
