Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Networks of companies are infected with viruses due to directors' addiction to porn sites


If employees of companies have to be responsible for violations of computer security rules to the fullest extent, then their managers, who are also not without sin, get away with such actions for obvious reasons. A study has shown that the boss's personal computer very often becomes the object of infection by malicious software. The reason - visiting sites for adults.

According to research company ThreatTrack Security, most often malware gets onto a work computer after it has been used by one of the family members of the manager. Mobile devices are usually infected after installing suspicious applications, writes Mashable.

Despite numerous reports of serious security vulnerabilities, many companies are trying to hide their weaknesses from the public. The study shows that virus analysts are aware that companies are concealing vulnerabilities, so it is not surprising that infection cases are becoming more frequent.

Every day, malware is becoming more complex. American enterprises are constantly subject to cyber espionage by foreign competitors and foreign governments. The study shows that virus analysts are fully aware of the threats they face. Many of them, although they report on their ability to repel cyber attacks, point to shortcomings in resources and tools, says ThreatTrack chief executive officer Julian Waits.

The study shows that security professionals are lacking in highly qualified personnel. High complexity and a large number of malicious programs, as well as low effectiveness of anti-virus solutions are key problems that prevent the protection of corporate systems from being hacked.

On average, virus experts spend more than two hours cleaning an corporate computer or network from malware. The study involved 200 security professionals from major American companies.

Now you know why many companies prohibit employees from watching porn in the workplace. And it has nothing to do with health.

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