Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Scientists agree with the Bible

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For a long time science and religion have tried to mutually eradicate each other, arguing about the most pressing issues of the universe. However, recently, thanks to the development of modern technology, scientists have begun to find more and more scientific evidence of the events that describe religious books.

Thus, American scientists from the Cornell University (Ithaca) Department of Biology and the Environment together with researchers from the Center for the Study of Functional Nanomaterials at the Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology decided to investigate the possibility of life on our planet in those conditions when the Earth was still completely covered with water. The results obtained surprised even the researchers themselves, among whom were fairly experienced scientists, such as Dayang Yang, Songming Peng, Mark R. Hartman, Tiffany Gupton, Edward Rice jr. and Anna Katherine Chang. According to a study published in the scientific journal Sceintific Reports, life on Earth really could have come from clay, as described in the Bible, or thanks to the compounds of which it is composed. Scientists believe that in those conditions in which our planet was still completely covered with water, it was just clay that could play the role of a kind of “cytoplasm”, within which the first cells originated.

The researchers also believe that these were only tiny fragments of fats or polymers that became the precursor of the cell membrane, and amino acids and other biomolecules could already be formed inside these formations, reports.

In the near future, scientists plan to prove their assumptions already experimentally.

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