Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Scientists plan to colonize asteroids

Ученые планируют использовать астероиды в качестве космических баз

The United States plans to carry out the first manned flights to asteroids in the coming years, but it is more expedient not to “disassemble” asteroids for minerals, but to equip their internal space, Russian scientists believe.

“Only around 10 thousand of them fly around the Earth, about 2 million in the main asteroid belt, and if we calculate their total volume, it will be three times larger than the volume in which we exist on Earth,” said the head of the Design and Research Center FSUE GKNPTs them. Sergey Antonenko Khrunicheva told journalists during the Technoprom-2013 forum in Novosibirsk on November 14, 2013. He also noted that it is much easier to fly to many asteroids than to the moon, because they fly very close to Earth.

Antonenko said one of the most promising areas for the development of astronautics is the colonization of asteroids. However, Andrei Degermendzhi, director of the Institute of Biophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that the asteroid “bodies” themselves create closed ecosystems inside them, and gravity can be created by spinning the asteroid. Also, many technologies of closed ecosystems can be worked out on Earth, the scientist believes, gradually increasing the “degree” of their closure, reports.

“Asteroids with elongated orbits fly to Jupiter, to Mars, they can be used as a vehicle, as a kind of base,” Antonenko said. In addition, in the near future, researchers are drilling on asteroids and setting their chemical composition, since today it can only be judged by indirect data.

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Antonenko also noted that in the future, colonization of Mars, for example, could lead to the emergence of a new type of human because of the qualitatively new conditions, namely, less gravity. “These will be creatures that will never fly to Earth again,” the scientist said.

The article is based on materials
