Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

# video | Heart soaring in the air, or What progress has come

Теперь врачи могут вращать трехмерные объекты и совершать различные манипуляции простыми движениями рук

An unequivocal breakthrough in the application of the technology of creating three-dimensional holograms in medicine, demonstrating the transition from science fiction to an innovative reality, was made by Philips and RealView Imaging.

When it is necessary to perform a surgical operation with minimal trauma to the patient’s tissues and with less use of painkillers, doctors resort to the “art” of minimally invasive operations. They allow manipulation of human organs, in which damage and tissue incisions are minimal, but sufficient to introduce specially designed tools based on the use of the latest computer technology.

The international concern Royal Philips, together with the Israeli company RealView Imaging, announced the completion of clinical trials of 3D holographic imaging technology for heart surgery. The new technology RealView Imaging allows real-time to create interactive three-dimensional images obtained with the help of an angiograph and the ultrasound cardiology system Philips. In other words, this technology allows a cardiac surgeon without special glasses to examine in detail the three-dimensional hologram of the heart “floating” in the air during a minimally invasive operation. At the same time, doctors can rotate three-dimensional objects and perform various manipulations with simple hand movements.

According to a press release, the results of the unique tests, which were attended by eight patients of the Israeli Schneider Children's Medical Center in Petah Tikva, were presented by Dr. Bruckheimer as part of the 25th annual transcatheter cardiovascular therapy symposium organized by the Research Foundation. cardiovascular disease.

According to experts, the tests of new technology have great potential in cardiac surgery. Today, minimally invasive heart operations, such as opening clogged coronary arteries and replacing heart valves, require the use of volumetric images: ultrasound provides accurate visualization of the anatomy of the soft tissues of the heart, and interventional x-rays provide the clearest possible picture of catheters and cardiac implants. 3D holograms will be a new step in the development of imaging in cardiac surgery, and the need for this technology will grow.

“Especially useful during complex procedures is the ability to see the structure of the organ and mark the anatomy of the soft tissues of the heart in the“ picture ”obtained using ultrasound and X-rays,” added the pediatric cardiologist Elhanan Bruckheimer, head of the cardiac catheterization department at the Schneider clinic.

RealView Imaging CEO Aviad Kaufman is confident that 3D holographic imaging technologies will play a crucial role in the medical imaging of the future.

The article is based on materials
