Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Science has tried to explain the reason for the dependence of eating chips


At a meeting of the American Chemical Society on April 11, scientists addressed issues related to hedonic hyperphagia. For those who are already going to climb into the dictionary to see what this terrible name means, we hasten to reassure and inform that at the event they considered the reasons why people eat not just to satisfy their hunger, but because they experience pleasure from it. One of the speakers at the meeting was Ph.D. Tobias Hoch, who focused everyone on the fact that no one is immune from the fact that one day he will begin to absorb more food than is required.

To better understand the essence of hedonistic hyperphagia, scientists conducted several experiments with laboratory rats. Rats were divided into two groups. One group was given the opportunity to eat only potato chips, and the second allowed, in addition to chips, there was also other food in unlimited quantities. Then, thanks to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the scientists decided to see what happens in the brain of rats from these two groups.

Despite the fact that in both cases, the food contained the same amount of fat and carbohydrates, scientists noticed that rats most of all express their interest in chips. This observation led researchers to believe that chips, in addition to fats and carbohydrates, contain another, some key element that makes them so attractive to experimental subjects.

“The pleasure effect of eating potato chips can only be partially explained by the amount of fat and carbohydrates in this treat. There must be something else. What makes chips so desirable, ”says Tobias Hoch.

Scientists have found that when taking potato chips, the rat brain receives stimulation of the zones in a slightly different way, which are responsible for the pleasure of receiving rewards, eating, sleeping, waking and physical activity than usual.

Scientists hope that with a few more studies, they will find the very molecular triggers (switches) that stimulate the brain to eat more and more chips and similar goodies. When scientists find them, it will be possible to develop more effective ways to treat people who are addicted to unhealthy foods.

The article is based on materials
