Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

The mind allows you to control body temperature


Calm your mind and repeat: “I am very warm”

A group of researchers from the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore under the leadership of Maria Kozhevnikova (not a deputy of the Russian State Duma and actress, but a scientist with the same name) demonstrated the ability to control a person’s temperature with his own mind.

This result was made possible through the use of the g-Tummo meditation technique, which, among other things, helps the human immune system cope with various diseases and immunodeficiency itself.

Earlier studies of this technique showed the possibility of controlling the increase in external temperature in the fingers and toes, but now scientists have for the first time been able to record the readings of changes in the internal temperature of the body. In general, this meditative technique is very rare and is most often found in Tibetan monasteries. It is considered sacred and allows you to control the internal energy of a person.

Scientists conducted their research on the nuns, who were wrapped in a wet sheet and were in a 25-degree frost. Surprisingly, the EEG (electroencephalogram) performed at this moment showed an increase in body temperature to 38.3 degrees. The result is truly amazing, especially when you consider that such conditions would most likely simply be killed for an ordinary person.

Findings from research can even once save a person in an extremely extreme situation. The key components of this technique are two conditions. The first is the so-called “vase breathing,” a breathing technique that causes thermogenesis. And the second condition, probably the easiest of the two, is the representation of a dancing fire along your back. Fulfilling these two conditions is reported to reduce the heat loss of your body.

The secrets of the human body are truly amazing.

The article is based on materials
