Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Under the ancient fresco in the Louvre, a man was found


Whose image is hidden under the famous Italian fresco in the Louvre? Researchers want to know the answer to this question when they find a picture hidden from prying eyes under a layer of plaster.

The art historian Bianca Jackson and her colleagues specializing in the preservation and restoration of works of art decided to study the fresco of Trois hommes armés de lances, which depicts three people with spears. Scientists suspected that the picture had secrets, because it was connected with the name of the famous collector of the XIX century Gianpietro Campana, who was engaged in the fact that he bought and remade various works of art in his own way.

Initially, the researchers tried to “look” under the wall picture, using various methods, in particular X-ray radiography, X-ray fluorescence scanning, infrared photography and reflectometry. However, none of the above methods showed anything unusual. Then they used terahertz spectroscopy, a technology that has found application in airport security scanners.

Trois Hommes Armes de Lances

When the image suddenly appeared on the screen, we could not believe our eyes, said Mrs. Jackson, speaking to the American Chemical Society (ACS) at the annual meeting in New Orleans (USA).

Under the folds of the tunic of one of the men, scientists made out their mouth, nose, and eyes. They suggested that the portrait of a mysterious man was painted thousands of years ago. It appeared long before the wall was painted in the 1800s.

Although Jackson and her French colleagues have no idea about the man on the fresco, they hope to use this technology to study other ancient works. The next object to be scanned will be the Russian icon and the walls of the Turkish shack. Who knows, maybe they will be able to find unique ancient images, the existence of which no one had ever guessed.

Earlier, under one of the paintings by Pablo Picasso, another work was discovered.

The article is based on materials
