
Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Scientists have found out, what for is necessary "garbage" DNA

Fast food has nothing to do with it! Bacteria that cause obesity are found

NASA will first test how human spermatozoa behave in space

Research: those who prefer a night life risk dying earlier

In Japan, they found "almost infinite" reserves of rare-earth elements

Google will "knock" on those who are engaged in self-treatment

Could there be another developed civilization on Earth before us?

Scientists recorded one of the best albums of 1998 ... on DNA

A planet is discovered that absorbs almost 99 percent of the light reaching it

Scientists have found that green moss can be useful for health

In human cells, a new form of DNA

Created the most detailed map of the Milky Way at the moment

Scientists in detail examined the enzyme of cellular immortality

AI has surpassed astronomers in the effectiveness of determining the survival of exoplanets

China is building a "rain factory" the size of three Spain

Bill Gates has allocated 12 million dollars for a universal vaccine against influenza

The last work of Stephen Hawking about the nature of our Universe is published

Russian scientists are the first in the world to unfreeze and start a heart

Research: what men like women and what it affects

Fast food increases the risk of infertility in women

Good chess players live longer than average

Scientists have finally decided on how our Sun will perish

Scientists have taught the spider to jump, then to teach robots

AI offered a new way to look into the living cell of a person

Scientists believe that leprosy was spread by red squirrels