
Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Sociologists: touchscreens replaced toys for children

Scientists have proven Darwin wrong in some matters of evolution

Found a way to make your heart beat forever

By 2020, we will all be gamers

There is no “Planet X” in the solar system.

Elephants can distinguish languages

Astronomers have found the biggest star of the class of yellow hypergiants

NASA will pay money to detect dangerous asteroids

Scientists: positive people work better

A mini-submarine flotilla will explore the ocean depths

Water will be cleaned with graphene and sunlight.

Scientists have proven the existence of gravitational waves

Smartphones will help in the treatment of eye diseases.

Developed an incredibly accurate test for doping

The discovery of the cosmic effect of inflation potentially confirms the theory of the Multiverse

Scientists are concerned about the rapid loss of mass by Mercury

Scientists: lack of sleep kills a quarter of brain cells

Cefaly - device for the prevention of migraine

Construction of the world's largest telescope has shifted from the dead center

The inner compass causes giant snakes to return home

An interesting find was found on Mars

The Chinese moon "Yuytu" completely lost the ability to move

The human nose is able to recognize more than a trillion different smells.

Yale scientists have created a mouse with an exact copy of the human immune system

The new discovery will help in time to increase IQ in children

Scientists manage to get stem cells from one drop of blood.

Goats are much smarter than previously thought.

# video | Alaskan glaciers were explored with the help of a flying drone.

Scientists have created batteries that dissolve in the body

Autism begins before birth with defects in the cerebral cortex

A microchip that will help people with disabilities get back on their feet

Extraterrestrial life we ​​will find in this century, but is it worth it?

Scientists cured liver disease by correcting mutated gene